Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Preparing for a new begining

Hello All!
I am soooo Happy to meet you! I am starting this blog because I need a place of my own to talk about my journey to become a better me. That includes being a better wife, a better friend, and a better worker.... (in that order).
Although it sounds cliche, I am trying to turn over a new leaf with the start of a new year. i am out of shape, I smoke and I sit on my tushie entirely TOO MUCH. I am planning on losing weight, quitting smoking and starting a crafting business all around the same time.
To give you a little background, a few years ago, I went on a similar journey. That time, I didn't follow it through. I ended up losing about 70 lbs in 8 months. I got frustrated when I hit a plateau and stopped losing weight. Rather than pushing through and trying something new, I gave up on myself. I started gaining the weight back, slowly at first. The weight gain came to a head with the coming of my last semester and my wedding. All this happened at the same time, mind you. I know that it should not be an excuse, but it is what I used as an excuse. In my head, it was ok because I was stressed and I use food as a really bad way to comfort myself. After the wedding, everything was peachy keen except for the fact that I was then out of a job and my new husband and I were struggling. I got married in May, a week after I graduated and it took me until September to find a job.
I am also a smoker. I have been smoking for 10 years.... I AM 23! I know that there is NO excuse for this. I know, just as most smokers do, that this is an awful habbit and I am taking my life into my hands everytime I pick up a cigarette. I may as well limit myself to living until 40 and walking around with on of those air tanks behind me. What is worse, my mom had cancer ( not lung cancer, but still cancer) and I STILL smoke! However, no matter how much my mom wants me to or how much my husband wants me to, I cant do it for anyone but me.

I am ready now and I am going to do everything I can to be successful.
I called a Quit Coach at Free And Clear. They sent me some Nicotine Gum and My quit date is scheduled for 01/19/2008. I am scared. I am confident. I am confused. What will my life be like without cigarettes?

Smoking has been such a big part of my life for so long.

With the same program that I was able to get the gum through, I am going to start going to Weight Watchers. The program is SO EASY it's stupid! I did weight watchers before when I lost all the weight and I know it works. What else can teach you how to eat right while allowing you to eat the foods that you want? Its all about moderation people!
I really don't understand those programs like Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem or Medi-Fast. I know that they help ALOT of people lose weight but I really dont see how it can be a long term solution.
I know that Weight Watchers would have worked, if I had had the will power and strength to stick with it. I get sick of the Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines within a few weeks, I cant imagine how I would feel about eating the same cycle of food for a year or two, let alone for the rest of my life.... ECK! No Thank you!!!
Ok, so now we come to the whole point of this blog. I am planning on starting an Etsy Store and really getting into my crafting. I have SOOOOO many ideas swiming around my head and I know that I will need something to distract me from wanting to mindlessly snack or to pick up a smoke. I plan to put instructions online on some of my crafts. I would also love to hear what you think about different projects I do and weigh in about my opinions and what I have to say.
It was so great to get all that out and I plan to do another post soon!

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